A Sure shot way to Reduce Protein Cost in Feed
Tex Protease is a Synergistic combination of Protease Enzymes and Nitrogenous Compound that supplements Protein Feed in Poultry and Swine Diets.
Protein forms an integral part of a Poultry Diet as they are vital for Tissue and Muscle Formation in Birds and Swine. As the Animal Grows or in case of Layer Birds which lay eggs, protein requirement increases and ti is essential that both Poultry and Swine Diets have sufficient Protein Content to address the increased demand from the Animal.
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein with each protein consisting of a chain made up of amino acids in a unique sequence.
A total of 20 proteinogenic amino acids exist. Depending on the length of the protein chain generated a distinction is drawn between peptides and poly peptides as most proteins are longer than 100 amino acids and has a complex structure.
Role of Protease Enzymes
The digestion of proteins is necessary in order to allow the passage through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. The consortium of Protease Enzymes in Tex Protease effectively breaks down long chained and complex protein compounds in the stomach and small intestine. The Breakdown of Proteins into small chain peptides provides much needed muscle and tissue forming source for the birds and for swine.

Benefits of Tex Protease
- Increases Weight Gain
- Improves Egg Productivity
- Reduces Protein Cost in Feed and FCR
- Breaks Complex Protein Molecules into smaller Amino Acids chain and enhances Absorption
- Improves Carcass Grade
Inclusion Rate
Broilers- 350 grams / Ton of Feed
Layers- 250 grams / Ton of Feed
Swine- 500 grams / Ton of Feed
Available Packing 25 Kg Drum Pack
For more details or trade inquiries on the product, please contact us at info@texbiosciences.com