Protein Hydrolysis using Enzymes
N.R.Kannadasan and P.Karthikeyan
Why is Protein Important in Animal Feed and its cost implications in feed.
Proteins are building blocks of tissues and organs. In an animal, growth means development of tissues and organs. Hence growth of animal depends on the availability of proteins.
A balanced animal feed contains Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat. Plant derived proteins are cost effective and most suitable and safe for animal growth. Among plant source proteins, soya playsa major role due to its availability and low cost. If there is any cost escalation in soya, animal feed price increases and entire farming become difficult.
How do Enzymes work in reducing Protein Cost in Feed?
Poultry and Pigs are monogastric animals. These animals do not digest complete nutrients available in the feed using innate digestive system. So externally fed enzymes are required to digest feed and supply energy wherever possible. By adding enzymes in feed, feed quantity can be decreased while obtaining maximum nutrient out of it. Thus addition of enzyme minimizes the cost of feed without compromising the energy uptake or growth of the animal.
Enzymes are biocatalyst and very specific in nature.
Protease enzyme breaksdown protein molecule and forms amino acids. These amino acids are absorbed by the animal system for the animal’s vital function and growth.
Xylanase enzyme breaks down non starch polysaccharide, Xylan into Xylose and it is absorbed by the animal for the physiological function.
Cellulase enzyme breaks non starch polysaccharide, Cellulose into Glucose and it is absorbed by the animal for the physiological function.
Amylase enzyme breaks starch into dextrin and further to glucose and it is absorbed by the animal for the physiological function.
Amylase enzyme breaks starch into dextrin and further to glucose and it is absorbed by the animal for the physiological function.
Lipase enzyme breaks lipids into fatty acids and it is absorbed by the animal for the physiological function.
Details about Tex Protease and Galzym XAP Plus
Tex Biosciences is an original manufacturer of Enzymes, Probiotics and Specialty Chemicals for Animal Feed. Tex Biosciences manufactures two specific formulations to help reduce protein cost in feed.
They are
TexProtease is a fine blend of both acid and alkaline protease enzyme along with hydrolysed protein. Enzymes present in the Tex protease hydrolyses the protein molecule and converts it into amino acids. These amino acids are readily absorbed by the animal system for vital growth function.
Galzym XAP Plus is an enzyme blend of Xylanase, Amylase and Protease. Like Tex Protease, Galzym XAP Plus attacks proteins in the feed and also attacks NSP like Xylan, Cellulose and Starch and releases amino acids and trapped nutrients which are then readily absorbed by the animal system for vital growth function
Aim of Experiment, Brief about Methodology and Summary of Results
An experiment was conducted in Tex Biosciences (P) Limited, Laboratory to measure the release of Amino Acids and Energy due to hydrolysis of feed by Tex Protease and Galzym XAP Plus.
Dried soya, MBM (Meat Bone Meal) and Chicken Meal samples were received and ground well. 1gm of each powder was suspended in 1000 ml of water and then boiled for 1 minute in microwave oven. 1 ml of this suspension was used as substrate.
- 1 gram of Tex Protease powder, FEP2106185 was suspended in 100 ml of water. This 100 time diluted 1 ml liquid was used as enzyme.
- 1 gram of Galzym XAP Plus – FEP2106021 was suspended in 100 ml of water. This 100 time diluted 1 ml liquid was used as enzyme.
- 1 gram of Tex Protease powder, FEP2106185 and 1 gram of Galzym XAP Plus – FEP2106021 was suspended in 100 ml of water. This 100 time diluted 1 ml liquid was used as enzyme
Enzyme study is carried out as per the below chart.
Substrate | 1ml |
Preincubated at 40°C for 5 min | |
Enzyme | 1ml |
Incubated at 40°C for 10 minutes | |
0.4 M Tri Chloro Acetic Acid | 2ml |
Mixed and incubated at 40°C | |
Filtered and clear liquid 1 ml used for color development | |
Filtrate | 1ml |
0.4 M sodium carbonate | 5ml |
FolinPhenol: H2o – 1:2 | 1ml |
Incubated at 40°C for 20 minutes | |
OD at 680 nm |
The results from the experiment are tabulated as below

Protein hydrolysis is carried out in commercial feed material using Tex Protease and Galzym XAP Plus and combination of both these products. Additional energy due to hydrolysis is calculated and tabulated as above. Tex Protease is proteolytic enzyme, and it attacks only protein compound. XAP Plus releases more energy than Tex Protease due to hydrolysis of protein as well as complex protein attached with NSP. Combination of Tex Protease and XAP Plus yields excellent results.
Tex Biosciences is an original manufacturer of Enzymes and Probiotics for Animal Feed. The company has in its range a wide variety of products that help improve farm economics.
Please contact us to get more details of our Enzymes for Animal Feed so that you can benefit from better farm production and economics.