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Eco Friendly and Economical Method to De-ink Paper

Tex Bioscience is a major producer in India for manufacturing of pulp & paper enzymes and processing chemicals. We manufacture and supply enzymes to pulp & paper mills thus reducing chemical dosage, consumption and processing time to achieve paper manufacturing with desired properties.

Tex Biosurf is a surface active agent derived from biological sources. which exhibit characteristic physical and chemical properties. Tex Biosurf is 100% Biodegradable and extremely versatile.It is easy to handle, helps reduce ERIC values and pollution load in the effluent.


A class of lipids are a major component of cell membranes. They are amphiphilic molecules, meaning they have both hydrophobic (water – repelling) and hydrophilic (water – attracting) regions. This unique property allows them to form lipid bilayers, which are the structural basis of cell membranes.

Mode of Action

Biosurfactant is a potential replacement for synthetic surfactants in the Recycled Paper Industry. The different functions exhibited by Biosurfactant is used as Emulsification, Wetting, Degreasing, Bleaching and Deinking. Tex Biosurf can be used as wetting agent for pulping and deinking. It is also used as dispersant for washing and deinking of recovered paper. Tex Biosurf acts asexcellent collectors for flotation deinking.


  • Increase in pulp brightness through efficient Deinking / Bleaching
  • Reduces the use of Deinking and Bleaching chemicals
  • Reduceschemical consumption and pollution load
  • Easy handling & 100% Biodegradable
  • Carbon foot print advantage 90
  • Reduces ERIC values – Residual Ink Concentration
  • Highly versatile and will work at a varied temperature, pH and salinity
  • Better wetting, Lubrication and Degreasing effect
  • Improves fibrillation and drainage
  • Facilitate role of chelating agent for complete removal of heavy metals

Dosage 500 to 1500 gms / ton of O.D. pulp produced in deinking plant

Available Packing 50 kg HDPE Drums


By using our 100% Bio product and getting more carbon foot print, Paper Mills are able to reduce chemical consumption by up to 40%, save costs at 10 to 25% and experience reduction in ETP load in deinking plant.

For more details or trade inquiries on the product, please contact us at